By Samuel


One day in England, there was a ship ready to go off into sea; there was at least 10,000 people getting on the ship. Bob Junior, the captain, cordially said, "All board!", and off they sailed into the blue water with a sunset in the background.


The boat was haunted! Bob Junior has been on the ship for years and warned everybody that in room 13245 there was a ghost. It was the middle of the night when someone gave a high-pitched scream. It came from room 13245; it woke the whole ship. There were murmurs that the people staying in that cabin saw a ghost that was green and spooky. To everybody the boat was paradise, except at night.


The next day, everybody spotted land. But it would at least take 24 hours to get there. Everybody was exhausted and went to bed. The captain fell asleep while driving the ship. It would take 30 more minutes to reach land. It had been half an hour, but the boat took a wrong route and ended up in Venice. The ship took another wrong turn in Venice. They crashed into buildings and bridges; the captain woke up.  He steered with all his might and tried to turn around.He had to crash into lots of buildings, but it was worth it because he could have killed a lot more people.


On the way back to the ocean everybody was panting. One family could not find their son, and they asked everyone if they had seen him; everybody said no. His family was super sad and solemn. No one else really seemed to care, except for one person who was acting really weird. The parents had a feeling he might have kidnapped their son. They made a plan to sneak into his room when he left for dinner to see if their son was there. That night they carried out the plan. They were right; the man had kidnapped their son. They rescued their son, and the man was arrested.


Two weeks later they got back to shore and all the passengers were excitingly telling their friends and families about their adventures with a ghost, a wayward ship, and a kidnapping. Everyone who heard was amazed…